Deconvolution with spacedeconv
Perform cell type deconvolution with spacedeconv.
signature = NULL,
single_cell_obj = NULL,
cell_type_col = "cell_ontology_class",
method = NULL,
batch_id_col = NULL,
assay_sc = "counts",
assay_sp = "counts",
return_object = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
- spatial_obj
A SpatialExperiment
- signature
Gene Expression Signature
- single_cell_obj
A SingleCellExperiment
- cell_type_col
Column name of the single_cell_obj where the cell type can be found
- method
Deconvolution Method to use, see deconvolution_methods() for a full list of available methods
- batch_id_col
column name of batch ids in single cell object
- assay_sc
which single cell assay to use for computation
- assay_sp
which spatial assay to use for computation
- return_object
Return an Object or result Table, TRUE = Object
- verbose
display more detailed information
- ...
Further parameters passed to the selected deconvolution method